Customizing WooCommerce for Digital Billboard Displays: A Webhook Approach

Graphic illustrating the customization of WooCommerce for digital billboard displays using webhooks.


Creating a specialized WooCommerce setup for a digital billboard site requires customizing product displays and filtering terminology. This guide will demonstrate how to create a WordPress webhook in the functions.php file of your theme (preferably a child theme or a custom theme) to achieve this.

Setting Up the Webhook

  1. Create a Child Theme: If you haven’t already, create a child theme to avoid losing your changes when the parent theme updates.
  2. Access functions.php: Open the functions.php file in your child theme or custom theme directory.

Customizing Product Displays

  1. Filter WooCommerce Words: Use WordPress filters to change WooCommerce terminology. For example, replace “products” with “displays”.
    add_filter('gettext', 'customize_woocommerce_words', 20, 3);
    function customize_woocommerce_words($translated_text, $text, $domain) {
    if ('woocommerce' === $domain) {
    switch ($translated_text) {
    case 'Products':
    $translated_text = 'Displays';
    return $translated_text;
  2. Customize Product Fields: Modify product fields to only include name, long description, short description, address of the display, and cost per hour.
    • Use WooCommerce hooks to add custom fields in the product editor.
    • Display these fields on the product page by overriding WooCommerce templates in your child theme.

Implementing the Webhook

  1. Create the Webhook Function: Write a function that triggers on a specific WooCommerce event, like product creation or update.
  2. Process Data: In the webhook function, process the product data to fit the digital billboard format.
  3. Send Data to External Service: If integrating with an external service for billboard management, use wp_remote_post to send processed data.

Example Webhook Function

add_action('woocommerce_update_product', 'process_billboard_data');
function process_billboard_data($product_id) {
$product = wc_get_product($product_id); // Process product data
// Send data to external service


Customizing WooCommerce for a digital billboard site involves creative use of webhooks and filters. By modifying the functions.php file in your child or custom theme, you can tailor WooCommerce to meet the unique needs of a digital billboard business, ensuring a seamless and relevant user experience.

Best Practices

  • Test Thoroughly: Always test your changes in a staging environment before applying them to your live site.
  • Backup Regularly: Maintain regular backups of your site to prevent data loss.
  • Stay Updated: Keep your WordPress, theme, and plugins updated for security and compatibility.
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